Friday, April 15, 2011

Pinched nerve?

Had quite a scare last night. At the gym I was doing standing shoulder presses with a 70 pound barbell, at which point one of the dudes wanted me to try 80 pounds. So being all macho, I used a 90 pound barbell but I had a lot of trouble swinging it up. I arched my back out too much and certainly felt something happen but I had no pain. So I continued on with my workout as normal and nothing was off at all. Once I was driving home my right foot fell asleep and that feeling worked its way up to my head. My right arm went extremely numb once I got home. The numbess worked its way back down my left side albeit much weaker. I had no appetite and could not remember any password to get into email accounts or anything. I laid down for about an hour and felt a little better. Tried to eat again but I couldn't do it. So I laid back down at 9:00 and slept  straight until 7:00 this morning. There is a small sensation in between my shoulder blades now, but doesn't hurt at all. I am going to take about five days off from lifting to see if this ensures I am healed. And with wonderful timing too as I have the Fishers Police Department PT test on the 23. Story of my life.

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